Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spelling Bee Poems

I wrote a few spelling bee poems, and I am planning to write more.

Figuring out the Word

I hear a very obscure word.
I ask for the definition, language of origin,
alternate pronunciations, and other information.
I started to think about this esoteric word.
It is not in the Consolidated Word List.
It is not in my Hexco products.
It is not on my wall of words.
There is nothing I can 
recall from my note cards.
It is not in any books I have read.
It is not in any of my twenty-five binders.
The clock continued winding down.
I asked for information again.
The clock was soon at thirty seconds. 
It was all on me now.
I slowly spelled the word, 
Judge Mary Brooks rang the bell.
Dr. Jacques Bailly gave me the correct spelling.
I said, "Thanks!", walked off the stage, and 
was led to the Comfort Room.

The Defining Moment

A fellow speller just walked backed to his seat
after misspelling his word.
I have two more words to spell.
If I spell them both correctly,
I will be the champion.
I began walking to the microphone, 
and listened to my word.
I then asked for the information,
and I knew it.
My hand and finger are trembling
while spelling the word.
Now I am moving onto the final round.
I received my word.
This cannot be the word 
I learned in History!
When I heard the definition and origin,
my heart began to pump quickly, 
that I almost started to jump, and scream 
the letters out, like the 1997 champion,
Rebecca Sealfon.
I smiled and slowly spelled the word.
When Judge Mary Brooks said,
"You are the champion!"
tears came out of my eyes, 
and the audience stood up, clapped,
screamed, and cried.
My family embraced me, then I was
given the trophy.
This is a moment I will never forget.

I have never shared these poems to anyone outside my family (this includes relatives). These poems show how I would feel in the spelling bee. I wrote these poems before the 2010-2011 spelling bee season began. If you can give me more ideas, I would love to write about them, too.

By the way, I will be posting Word of the Day again, when the 2011-2012 school year begins. Continue spelling this summer. If you want to win, study when you have time. If you find yourself distracted by the television, computer, Ipod, and other electronics, turn them off and study! It is okay if you are studying from the computer, Ipod, or other electronics. Good luck to everyone competing next year and the next years! 

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