Monday, June 18, 2012

Root Word Study - Verein

I have not posted for a few weeks, but once I get back on my regular computer, I will post the rest of the words used in past National Spelling Bees.

For now I am going to do a root word study on verein. This word caught my attention when I saw a word in one of the German songs I sang (Serenade (Ständchen) Op. 135: Zögernd Leise by Schubert). vereinter (This is not a word in Webster's Third, but verein is). When you translate it into English, it means combined. According to Webster, verein means a usual social or political organization or association. 

There was a word at the National Spelling Bee that had this certain root: turnverein: an athletic club. In this case verein means club, but club has a similar meaning to organization and association.

Good luck, spellers, and I hope you are studying very diligently!


  1. Another word that has the root "verein" in it is zollverein. It means a union between two or more states.


    Calling all spellers! This is a fun way to learn new words, discover great new ways to study, and chat with fellow word nerds!

    1. Thanks for posting this! I hope it goes well!

  3. I don't recall the lucky person to get it, but 'verein' appeared in round 6 of the 2011 NSB.
