Friday, June 1, 2012

Media Tour/Banquet/Summer Activities/International Bee

Snigdha Nandipati is on her media tour today after such an amazing win last night! If you missed out, her winning word was guetapens (getuh-pahn - light on the n) It is an ambush, snare, or trap, and it is from French. Today is also the banquet to honor the championship finalists, delicious food, and have fun! Spellers need to have fun, too, you know!

After this Bee, there is one more Bee to go: The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Tuacahn Amphitheatre in Ivins, Utah (nearby St. George). There is a lot of audience participation from what I have heard, including a spelling bee for several audience members. Some of the words they use in the musical are pretty similar to the ones at the National Spelling Bee, so you might want to bring a pencil and a notebook. I really am excited to watch this show, because it will mix some of my favorite activities: the spelling bee and musical theater.

I will continue writing my spelling bee book series, and I hope to be finished with Book 7 by the end of the summer.

With summer classes, I will be taking Computer Technology and Financial Literacy. I do not want to graduate too early, but I want to graduate from high school with my associate's degree. During my junior year, I will be transferring to an early college high school.

The week after school gets out (June 8), I will be headed to Colorado for a church youth group camp, and I hope to have so much fun there!

My Bible Bee studies will commence once I get my materials. This will be my third year doing it, and I hope to have more time this summer, so I can hopefully make it to nationals! I also have been studying ahead with techniques and memorizing certain passages that may be in the Bee this year. The work is harder than the spelling bee, because in the Bible Bee, you either know it or you do not. In the spelling bee, if you get a word that you do not know, you could figure it out by using what you know.

Filmography is one of my favorite hobbies ever! This year I hope to get many pictures and videos at camp, so I can make actual videos. I am also planning to film some of the short plays my friends and I wrote.

The most exciting activity I am doing this summer is going back to Washington, D.C. I have been there once already, but I cannot wait to see all the sites again and others I have not seen. Perhaps we may visit the Gaylord National Hotel!

I do not know what else I will be doing this summer, but I will be able to do more spelling bee club planning.

Scripps is planning to start an international spelling bee, and it may be able to start in 2013. Right now, many of you know that spellers from different countries come from all over the world to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. If the international program is formally announced, the spellers will no longer compete at the national bee, but they will send the top three spellers from each country for the international competition.

There have been many international competitions, including the Olympics, World Choir Games, International Science and Engineering Fair, International Sustainable World (Engineering, Energy, and Environment) Project Olympiad, and many more. Now it is time for an actual international spelling bee. If they include high school students in it, I should start studying for the Bee again.

Great job to everyone, and good luck to those competing next year.

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