Thursday, May 31, 2012

Championship Finals

What a great introduction by 2011 Champion, Sukanya Roy! Feel the pressure! Who will win?

Misspelled Words so Far
canities (Round 7) conities
ridotto (Round 7) redatto
porwigle (Round 8) porwiggle

Nicholas almost startled me when he got rouille. If you remember him during the past years, he has received French words. In 2010, he misspelled devant. From 2009 to 2011, he has received French words during the first semifinal round.

Gifton still continues to amaze me with his amazing manners: "Please", "Thank You", and more! His coach coached the 1998 champion. He misspelled ericeticolous, but a great standing ovation!

Arvind just received the word quattrocento: I hope he doubles the consonant. He asked for alternate pronunciation, and there were laughs, and he gets the word right.

Nicholas is back up: vetiver. He just misspelled it as vetover. Those crazy schwas! He has been eliminated, but there are still a few other spellers left.

Lena just misspelled geistlich, and she received a standing ovation.

Three spellers remain: Snigdha Nandipati, Stuti Mishra, and Arvind Mahankali.

Commentary: They said that Nicholas may be back on the Olympics (he's a swimmer)

Snigdha: saccharolytic

Stuti: prolegomenon

Arvind: schwannoma was misspelled. (schvonoma). At least he has next year! Good luck!

Snigdha or Stuti - one of these two will be the champion. I'll be honest, but these two were unexpected, but at least they are on my guess list for the champion.

arrondissement (Thank you, French class)!
schwarmerei (I am 100% sure this has been used at the National Spelling Bee before!). And she misspells it? Could Snigdha be the champion?

Here it comes: guetapens, and Snigdha wins! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing! She seemed so happy, and it was well deserved! Congratulations!


  1. Anne, what percentage of the words in 2012 did you know?

    1. I honestly don't remember; I never calculated it last year.
