Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Sister's Studies

My sister has been consumed into her studies. She loves so many of the words and we also talk about their history. She is really excited for the National Spelling Bee and thinks she will make it! Her goal for 2012 is to still make it to Championship Finals and that is excellent! She looks up to me and a lot of the spellers who have done exceptionally well at the national finals. Her spelling bee role model is me, because I inspired her to do the spelling bee. She would have not done it, if it was not for me.

Just last night she spelled 150 words with only 13 misspellings. It is currently difficult to figure out her trouble spot. Every speller has difficulties and I know she has at least one. I will figure out her difficulty spot, even if it may take me a few more days.

This is late and I am sorry that I never posted a list from Hexco. My sister finished the 2011-2012 Word List several days ago. We will go through it again, although.

If a family member or other adult does not have time to coach you, there are certain products that you can buy so you can study on your own.

You can also use Visual Thesaurus Spelling Bee to help you. Even if it does not have etymology, it is also a pretty useful tool for learning new words.

My sister has been using a lot of the sites and products for studies when I am not around.

Spelling Bee Videos/Spelling Bee Club

During the Christmas Break I plan to start posting videos of spelling bee lectures. These videos will go through word etymology, what to do and what not to do at a spelling bee, and so much more! I have started making videos already, but I will edit them later.

I have not had time to post videos of songs of certain languages. Unfortunately, I do not have accompaniment parts for most songs, so I have decided to post videos of my choir singing. This weekend I am planning to post some. Sorry for the delay, everyone!

The spelling bee club planning is still in process. The only spellers I coach right now are my close friends who are younger than me.

By the way, do not expect me to post too often, unless there is a vacation!

For now,

"Spell with your dream!
Spell with your heart!
Spell with your love!"

Friday, September 23, 2011

Make Sure Your School is Signed Up for the Scripps National Spelling Bee Program

The deadline for the Scripps National Spelling Bee program enrollment is on October 17th. The late enrollment period commences on October 18th and ends December 16th. Ask your teachers if your school has already been enrolled. If you are too anxious to know go to the spelling bee website: and click on the Enroll Now button. Type in the school's zip code and check if your school is already enrolled.

If your school is not enrolled simply talk to the principal or a teacher of your school. It would be nice if every school in the country and around the world is enrolled, but it is pretty expensive!

Good luck to everyone!

P.S. Sorry if I have not been posting often, because I am busy coaching my friends and I have a lot of homework.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Spelling Studies Continue (Even in High School)

Knowing that high school is full of a lot of homework, studying, and dedication (especially when all my classes are honors) has helped me understand why the spelling bee only goes up to eighth grade. I still have time to help my sister and other friends, but I have hardly any time to study.

My teacher has a Word of the Day wall in her room and I love learning the new words and writing some of my favorites down. When one of my classmates taught our class the word bourgeoisie (with the definition, origin, part of speech, and sentence) she forgot how to spell it. The teacher asked, "Does anyone know how to spell the word?" I raised my hand and spelled it.

In science we learn a lot of Greek and Latin roots. It is a good thing that I still remember them, because we have to figure out the definitions of words. In fact there have been many science terms we learned that have been used at every level of the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Since my school does the science fair, I will be doing a lot of research and I may pick up more of the obscure words.

In Geography/Ancient Civilizations we learn words from different cultures. Just today, we talked about Ancient India and learned the word bhutatathata. It was not a new word to me, but new to the rest of my class, and a word my teacher could not quite pronounce, so I had to help her. That was very interesting and exciting to know that one of my favorite words was mentioned in school!

High school is going to be really exciting and I hope to learn more words!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

264 Days Until the 2012 National Spelling Bee

That may seem like a long time right now, but it will be here before you know it. If you have not started studying, begin as soon as possible. May 27 is when most of the spellers arrive in Washington, D.C. 265 days until the barbecue, 266 days until the Round 1 test, 267 days until the oral preliminary rounds, and 268 days until semifinals and finals.

Now that I am coaching more than one speller often, my friends and sister have been doing well in their studies. Perhaps one of them will make it to nationals in 2012.

I'm coaching three spellers from the same school. Two of them are currently eligible, while one has to wait another year to try and make it to the National Spelling Bee. I am also coaching spellers from my old schools, and a friend who moved to a different state (I coach him by email, but his parents help him, too). There are currently seven spellers in the club, even if I am still planning it.

I have decided to do Word of the Week now, instead of Word of the Day.

piezochemistry - \pee-ay-zoh-kem-i-stree; pee-ayt-soh-kem-i-stree; pI-ee-zoh-kem-i-stree\ [Greek + Greek] noun: scientific branch that studies the relationship between pressure and reactions

Good luck!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Persian/Sanskrit/Hindi Rules

Persian, Sanskrit, and Hindi are rare languages used at the National Spelling Bee.

A majority of Persian words go through Hindi, Arabic, Turkish, and Sanskrit.

The long e sound at the end of the word is spelled with an i. (examples: abbasi, tangi, kusti)

The g sound can be spelled with a g or gh. (examples: idgah, ispaghul, ghorkar)

The k sound can be spelled wiyh a c, k, or kh (examples: calean, kamboh, Bakhtiari)

There are many Sanskrit and Hindi words that are Hindu terms. They have also donated many words to the English language.


Silent h

bhutatathata (bh and th)
dharma (dh)
gymkhana (kh)
phansigar (ph)

The long "e" sound at the end of the word is spelled with an i. (examples: chhatri, pachisi, dhauri)

The schwa at the end of the word is spelled with an a or ah. (examples: mahatma, natya, almirah, khankah)

The "ana" sound is pronounced with a British accent at the end of the word. It is spelled as ana. (examples: jnana, zenana, dhyana)

Word of Yesterday - Wundtian \vunteean\ [German biographical name + English] of or relating to Wilhelm Wundt or his theories or investigations

Word of the Day - wurrup \wuh-ruhp\ [Australian native name] a hare wallaby of the central and western parts of Australia

Thursday, September 1, 2011

French Class - "I Recognize that Word!"

At my school it is required to take a language class. I am currently taking French and it is a very exciting class. There are so many words I recognize, because of the spelling bee. French used to be my least favorite origin to study, now it is my second.

Some of the words we have learned in French that have been used at the spelling bee:

I asked, "What is swordfish in French?" My teacher replied, "Espadon". We really did not study these words, but I asked for them. Studying a lot of French-derived words for the spelling bee has been paying off in my French class.