I was very busy the last few months, therefore, I have not been able to post anything! I had to do so much school work, such as an online class so I would not have to take it next year, plus I have been busy writing and arranging music for my choir, coaching my friends for the Bee, and I had several vacations especially to Washington, D.C. for the second time in my life! I found several interesting words I will post once I go through my photos. That is why I had to hide my blog for a while, so nobody would wonder if I had lost an interest in the Bee (I haven't, just to let you know).
I will try my best to post during the school year, even with a crazy schedule. I'm entering my second year of high school (10th grade).
The enrollment period for the Bee have commenced! Tell your teachers, principals, etc. to sign your school up! Many students are not back in school yet, so when you get back to school, tell them!
I am really excited for the International Spelling Bee! There seem to be many countries who have expressed an interest, and I wonder if high schoolers will be able to do it. If so, I'd better get back to studying. I absolutely love international events, and that includes the Olympics!
What are some of your favorite sports-related/Olympic terms?
Have a great rest of the summer, school year, and good luck to all the spellers starting from the classroom all the way to the champion!